A shirt once used for rowing or the last name of the Eagles member who had a solo hit with The Boys Of Summer

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A shirt once used for rowing or the last name of the Eagles member who had a solo hit with The Boys Of Summer Jeopardy

Possible Solution: A HENLEY

Since you already solved the question A shirt once used for rowing or the last name of the Eagles member who had a solo hit with The Boys Of Summer which had the answer A HENLEY, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other answers. You can do so by clicking the link here Jeopardy November 19 2019

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# Questions
1 Here's President Obama at Sandy Beach in this state where he spends many Christmas vacations
2 Hippies advocated this nonviolent strategy to promote peace & love
3 Dates shared by Sagittarius & Capricorn in this month are the Cusp of Prophecy so if born then you know what next year holds
4 In A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood beloved children's TV show host Mister Rogers is played by this beloved actor
5 Jump-starting 101: positive (red cable) to positive negative (this color cable) to ground on the dead car
6 A full grown Robert Wadlow the world's tallest man: about 1 inch under this many feet
7 The real question is when does this present-day leader actually wear a shirt?
8 This type of shirt bares the midriff
9 My birthday of July 22 is on the cusp of Cancer & this beastly sign--it means I have good memory I seem to recall
10 Joaquin Phoenix played this Man in Black in Walk the Line
11 An allusion to old circus acts to jump through these is to do exasperatingly hard tasks to reach a goal
12 4101' & steeper than vertical: Mount Thor which noted maphead Ken Jennings calls the world's tallest this (step back from the edge)
13 Sometimes you gotta play Ping-Pong shirt-free like this guy
14 Let's go tropical with this Polynesian-style cocktail made with rum Curacao & fruit juices
15 The cusp of Cancer & this sign is known as the Cusp of Magic & after all the best magic tricks are done with twins
16 Gary Busey was nominated for an Oscar for his 1978 portrayal of this Texas singer
17 Taxonomic class of the jumping animal seen here that can leap 50 times its own body length
18 The Nurek Earth-Fill this structure: 984 feet above the Vakhsh River
19 A candid 1994 photo of Bob Hawke ex-prime minister of this country in his swimmers as they say made a few waves
20 It calls itself the nation's leading online and mobile food-ordering and delivery marketplace
21 November has the Cusp of Revolution; this woman who revolutionized tennis with The Battle of the sexes was born on Nov. 22
22 La Vie en Rose took a look at the not always rosy life of this French chanteuse
23 Though no longer a kid in 1999 Ashrita Furman bounced up the 1899 steps of Toronto's CN Tower on this
24 This stopping point for Everest's southern face; 17600 feet
25 Here's King Henry II performing penance at the tomb of this archbishop slain by Henry's own knights
26 Jeopardy! categories include Potpourri & this 10-letter synonym for potpourri
27 These 2 signs meet in September during the Cusp of Beauty
28 Babe Ruth played himself in this 1942 biopic of Lou Gehrig
29 Satan tempted Jesus to jump off this Judean king's temple in Jerusalem
30 The cruising altitude of this alphanumeric spy plane AKA Dragon Lady: 70000 feet
31 She talks about her childhood in Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?: I don't remember a time when I wasn't chubby. Like being Indian being chubby feels like it is just part of my permanent
32 It's a name mistakenly applied to someone or something
33 This London residence of the queen is home to Fabergé eggs & to drawings by Leonardo da Vinci
34 Ionic bonding happens when these particles in atoms of 2 different elements permanently switch places
35 When Britain Burned the White House by Peter Snow
36 Yes Please we want to hear this woman read from her book Yes Please: Playing Leslie Knope is as fun as it looks. I get to be the lead on a show I would actually watch
37 Calling 911 for purposes other than an emergency may be classified this type of crime
38 Jan Six Xi of this country grew up with Rembrandts in his home--heck the old master even painted his ancestor Jan Six I
39 Table salt is an ionic bonding of these 2 elements
40 Before he controlled New York City this boss served a single term in Congress from 1853 to 1855
41 When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka
42 He says he was Born Standing Up: I did stand-up comedy for 18 years. Ten of those years were spent learning four years were spent refining and four were spent in wild success
43 It's another name for a written message or letter
44 Open to the public this man's castle features a fountain with ancient sculptures of the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet
45 Fe2O3 AKA this problem for your car is the result of some ionic bonding
46 In 1878 this retailing pioneer suggested the price of a nickel for items that weren't selling quickly
47 The Green Berets by Robin Moore
48 He shares his life lessons with listeners: See as the little guy you got a choice to make if you wanna be popular: you can be the tough guy and overcompensate for your mini-me self or you can
49 This city is home to the University of Montana
50 A full-length portrait of George Washington from this 18th c. artist is often admired by tourists at the White House
51 Magnesium hydroxide is ionic & soothes your stomach issues with this Phillips product patented in 1873
52 This West Virginia country star teamed up with LL Cool J on Accidental Racist
53 Copperhead by Bernard Cornwell
54 This late great comic shared some observations in Napalm & Silly Putty A cat can make any mistake appear intentional. You ever see a cat race across a room and crash into a glass door? Doesn'
55 It can be a collection of writings by different authors or a mixture of various items
56 Frescoes by Raphael & Pinturicchio adorn the walls of the Vatican in what's usually known as the papal these living spaces
57 In ordinary saltpeter this element forms an ionic bond with nitrate
58 This FBI official was the source known as Deep Throat
59 The African Queen by C.S. Forester

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Turned into a Nazi headquarters in 1933 the nightspot Eldorado is said to have inspired this fictional place
2 Physicist John Wheeler said he coined this term as a faster way to say completely collapsed objects
3 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
4 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
5 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
6 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
7 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
8 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
9 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
10 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last
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