Don't fear the reaper or this person found in Keats' To Autumn who gathers the grain the reaper has left behind

Below you will find the solution for: Don't fear the reaper or this person found in Keats' To Autumn who gathers the grain the reaper has left behind Jeopardy .

Don't fear the reaper or this person found in Keats' To Autumn who gathers the grain the reaper has left behind Jeopardy

Possible Solution: THE GLEANER

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# Questions
1 In June 1503 during his fourth voyage this man & his remaining crew members were marooned on Jamaica
2 Though Minnesota is known as the Land of 10000 of these the state's being modest as usual--about 12000 is more accurate
3 One definition of these trends is an amusing mass involvement that's short-lived; Hula Hoops & smiley faces are 2 examples
4 In 2005 Robin Roberts began co-anchoring this show GMA for short
5 Tarana Burke actually coined this phrase more than a decade ago as a way to help survivors of sexual abuse
6 Dry cleaning got its name because this is not a big part of the process; liquid chemicals are used
7 A sea off Alaska is named for this Danish explorer
8 At this facility you can visit the Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium & do a little shopping too
9 From the Latin for absorbed it's the process by which immigrants are absorbed into the majority culture
10 The road in the title of CNBC's Squawk on the Street is this one & they cover the day there from the opening bell
11 In 2015 Illinois mandated that polling places pass out stickers with these 2 words on Election Day
12 Back in the day dry cleaning used chemicals including gasoline & this other petroleum product AKA lamp oil
13 Around 980 he sailed west & named the land he found Greenland
14 Paisley Park his home & recording studio is in Chanhassen a suburb of his hometown of Minneapolis
15 The counterpart of a certain ceiling this type of floor prevents screwups born into privilege from falling too far socioeconomically
16 Ana Patricia Gámez helps wake up the USA's Spanish speakers on Despierta América on this TV network
17 Got milk? Maybe you shouldn't if you're this & have trouble digesting the sugar that's found in it
18 (Jimmy of the Clue Crew displays a dry cleaning bag.) Clothes left in plastic dry cleaning bags for extended periods are due to moisture buildup subject to these two Ms both forms of fungi so
19 As part of the topographical corps of the U.S. Army this Pathfinder surveyed the upper Missouri River
20 Last name of the dad and two sons who began caring for patients at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester Minnesota in 1889
21 Like orders of angels it's the arrangement of positions in rank order with those below reporting to those above
22 Groundbreaking female hosts of this morning show that premiered in 1952 include Jane Pauley & Barbara Walters
23 Perchloroethylene is dry cleaners' go-to as this 7-letter word that makes stains go away
24 In 1855 he saw the falls Africans called Mosi-oa-Tunya (smoke that thunders) which he renamed for his queen
25 The temperature falls in Minnesota especially in these Falls that claim the title Icebox of the Nation
26 To us it means a too-complex system of rules but to Max Weber it was an ideal type of hypothetical organization
27 She co-hosts MSNBC's Morning Joe
28 This substance that gives wine & coffee their astringency also leads to tough stains; special detergents help
29 The codex an early form of the modern book began replacing this less wieldy form early in the first millennium A.D.
30 This reality show returned to MTV in 2019 with Spencer & Heidi now parents
31 Czech writer Karel Capek wrote the play R.U.R.. short for Rossum's Universal these automata
32 It describes your peepers when they've caught the red eye
33 Circleville Ohio is famous for its fall festival feting these gourds; the biggest one in 2018 was over 1600 pounds
34 A blue plaque shows the Soho location where John Logie Baird a claimant as the inventor of this medium first demoed it in 1926
35 The Codex Vaticanus & the codex named for this mount are the earliest known manuscripts of the Bible
36 This alliterative MMORPG released a Classic version in 2019 that returns players to Azeroth prior to its many expansions
37 Talos was a mythical giant automaton made of this tin/copper alloy to protect Crete
38 Short but demanding type of race seen here
39 Fall is perfect for this type of activity that the two kids in this painting are enjoying
40 Though she fought plaque Lilian Lindsay would have liked the one that honors her as Britain's 1st woman in this profession
41 The Madrid Codex is one of a handful of this Mesoamerican culture's hieroglyphic texts to survive 16th C. Spanish burnings
42 Taylor Swift's song Me! features Brendon Urie of this band that's got an exclamation point in its name!
43 This 2011 Martin Scorsese movie is based on a Brian Selznick book about a boy who fixes an automaton with a secret message
44 The scientific field of Franz Boas & Margaret Mead
45 1978's Autumn Sonata was the last feature film for this actress who won her first Oscar for Gaslight in 1945
46 He could have said I need the 2-wheeled carriage or 'cab' named for me to take me home to 27 Sumner Place
47 The 13th century Codex Regius containing the Elder Edda is a national treasure of this country
48 In John Wick: Chapter 3 Keanu kicks butt with Sofia played by this Oscar-winning actress
49 In Offenbach's opera Tales of this man the writer falls in love with an automaton named Olympia
50 It's the Royal Navy rank just below Rear Admiral
51 The American Meteorological Society defines it as a period in mid- or late autumn of abnormally warm weather
52 A play & 2 movies were titled The Barretts of this street & that's where Elizabeth Barrett Browning's plaque is
53 The 6th century codex of this great Byzantine Emperor was a compilation & distillation of Roman law
54 In the comics this town is the rural residence of Li'l Abner
55 The Hebrew name of this creature made of clay is also a word for an automaton
56 You'll give a piece of your mind with this brain-cutting operation
57 This composer of The Planets has a plaque on St. Paul's Girls' School where he taught & which is still operating

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
2 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
3 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
4 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
5 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last
6 Zvartnots International Airport serves this capital & has the code EVN all letters found in the citys name
7 A radical in an 1833 failed uprising in Germany Ludwig von Rochau coined this term for acts taken for practical reasons not ethics
8 Isolated in 1945 during uranium fission research it was named for an ancient deity to suggest humans gaining a new power
9 Far from Rome
10 The first fossils of these creatures with an elongated 4th digit were described in 1784 by naturalist Cosimo Collini is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc