In 2019 those who made the pilgrimage to the Pilgrimage Festival in Franklin Tennessee included this band led by Dave Grohl

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In 2019 those who made the pilgrimage to the Pilgrimage Festival in Franklin Tennessee included this band led by Dave Grohl Jeopardy

Possible Solution: THE FOO FIGHTERS

Since you already solved the question In 2019 those who made the pilgrimage to the Pilgrimage Festival in Franklin Tennessee included this band led by Dave Grohl which had the answer THE FOO FIGHTERS, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other answers. You can do so by clicking the link here Jeopardy February 12 2020

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# Questions
1 Charleston West Virginia
2 Despite looking a lot like insulation this alliterative spun sugar confection is always a fave
3 (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest Hungary.) Memento Park has Communist statues relocated from others sites in Budapest like the one at the entrance of these two a
4 Venus steamer & cherrystone are all types of this seafood
5 Your guts
6 As this character in Batman Returns Danny DeVito kidnaps murders & even worse enters politics!
7 Salt Lake City Utah
8 To grow crimson in embarrassment or a cosmetic used to add color to cheeks
9 (Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest Hungary.) Bela Kun founded the Hungarian Communist Party after World War I but in the 1930s fell victim to a Russian purge of fo
10 Iceberg heirloom & a rasher are the main trio in this classic sandwich
11 At one time it was the Dutch East India Company's most profitable spice
12 Danny was ringmaster Max Medici in the 2019 live-action version of this classic Disney cartoon
13 Milwaukee Wisconsin
14 The name of this plant comes from an Irish word meaning clover
15 (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest Hungary.) This is a replica of a grandstand in Budapest. During an attempted revolt against Communism in 1956 protesters brought
16 The Isle of Wight & Lake Worth Florida both have annual festivals honoring this pungent bulb & its endless potential
17 The highest point of achievement
18 In season 2 of this FXX sitcom Danny joined the cast as the crusty Frank Reynolds
19 Las Vegas Nevada
20 This type of light has a wavelength shorter than 400 nanometers (but the crayon splits it into 2 words)
21 (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest Hungary.) After Lenin triumphed in the Russian Revolution he soon helped install a short-lived government in Hungary on the prin
22 The name of this spicy Cajun stew comes from the French for to smother
23 In the first stanza of a poem Edgar Allan Poe used this lengthy word to describe the sound of the bells
24 Voicing this title Dr. Seuss character in a 2012 animated film DeVito said I speak for the trees!
25 Detroit Michigan
26 Off we go into this 3-word phrase in an Air Force song climbing high into the sun
27 (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from Memento Park in Budapest Hungary.) A statue remembers the Hungarians who fought fascists on behalf of the Spanish Republic. They were directed by this as
28 To make a Pavlova dessert start with a base of this beaten mixture then top it with whipped cream & fruit
29 This triangular sail is said to be an alteration of the name of the racing yacht Sphinx
30 The poster for this film Danny made with Schwarzenegger said Only their mother can tell them apart
31 In Glen Cook's Black Company series Soulcatcher flies around on one of these just like in the Thousand and One Nights
32 Ed Asner voiced Carl Fredricksen in this Pixar film that ballooned to $700 million-plus at the box office
33 For this poet it was paradise found (hopefully) Nov. 8 1674
34 In 2019 Rep. AOC went back to tending bar for a day to bring notice to this federal standard for workers getting tips: $2.13 an hour
35 This Carmen composer hid away his Symphony in C maybe because it was too imitative of his teacher Charles Gounod
36 In the original 1954 film nuclear weapons testing is what awakens this creature & sends him on his rampage on Tokyo
37 In June 1527 death was cunning & unscrupulous in taking this Italian political thinker
38 On Sept. 11 2009 almost 9 months after an unusual landing he was back in the cockpit for a flight from Charlotte to Atlanta
39 To access power mages in the Malazan series use & travel in these just like the burrows where rabbits live
40 Italian for hell it's used in English to describe a raging fire
41 Leonard Bernstein's Symphony No. 3 is named for this Jewish prayer for the dead & uses its words
42 Mr. Potato Head was not enough! In a 2019 deal this toy brand added Peppa Pig & of course gangster rap label Death Row Records
43 On July 20 1937 we short-waved goodbye to this Italian inventor
44 In 1973 Erich Segal author of this weepy bestseller about a dying coed quit teaching classics at Yale but he returned in the '80s
45 Allomancers in the Mistborn series can burn metals like iron & even these like pewter & duralumin
46 In Italian it's the faculty of sight; in English it's a distant view to be had from a vantage point
47 The Finnish govt. commissioned him to write a symphony to celebrate his own 50th birthday & he conducted the premiere on the day
48 This Serbian leader's war crimes trial & life were adjourned for good March 11 2006
49 In '96 this ex-pres. of Poland returned to his electrician gig in Gdansk; his first day included a press conference & a vacation request
50 Everyone has a special magic talent in this author's Xanth series that began with A Spell for Chameleon
51 From the Italian for undertaking it's someone who organizes public entertainments like operas or ballets
52 Schubert wrote some great symphonies & so did this near contemporary including the one heard here
53 In 2012 this Oscar-winning actress & humanitarian became a special envoy for the U.N. refugee agency
54 He's seen here in 1921 on Mount Everest. His life ended on the mountain in 1924

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Turned into a Nazi headquarters in 1933 the nightspot Eldorado is said to have inspired this fictional place
2 Physicist John Wheeler said he coined this term as a faster way to say completely collapsed objects
3 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
4 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
5 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
6 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
7 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
8 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
9 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
10 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc
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