Round & waxed is a good look for these with your dress oxfords

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Round & waxed is a good look for these with your dress oxfords Jeopardy

Possible Solution: SHOELACES

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# Questions
1 In 2021 she became the sixth woman & the first black woman to be inducted into the Pantheon in Paris
2 He led the NBA in scoring 7 straight times won 5 MVPs (& hit .202 for a minor league team in 1994 but let's not dwell on that)
3 Hopping ____doe
4 When this team finally won the World Series again in 2016 5 million people attended the parade & rally
5 Hawking radiation is a theoretical positive energy escaping one of these near its event horizon
6 Antique lovers enjoyed having Show added to this word in the title of a PBS show
7 Later The Rifleman on TV Chuck Connors was a Brooklyn Dodger & as a Celtic in 1946 became the first NBA player to shatter this
8 Will Rogers said the only way to stop bootlegging is to make them pay this annual levy. It has stopped every other industry
9 Uncontested ____wonders never cease
10 This city saw its population rise temporarily by around 3 million in 2012 a record peak during its annual hajj
11 In 1976 NASA released a photo of the face seen here taken by the Viking I probe circling this planet
12 Show preceding this word gets you the nickname of an iconic Lakers squad
13 She was an All-American hoopster Olympic champ & in 1946 won 13 straight golf titles
14 In 1971 this female Asian prime minister observed You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist
15 Cup of ____blow
16 In 1951 7.5 million people came to a Manhattan ticker-tape parade for this general who had recently been fired
17 Ice volcanoes on this largest moon of Saturn may be releasing hydrocarbons like methane rather than molten rock
18 Show before this word gets you an ostentatious braggart or a marine conveyance
19 A few career highlights: he won the Heisman at Auburn ran for 221 yards in one game for the Raiders & was an A.L. all-star
20 George Bernard Shaw defined this negative thinker as a man who thinks everybody as nasty as himself and hates them for it
21 Stand ____on the back
22 Love was in the air among the 600000 on this isle in 1970 to see Hendrix & The Who in what's been called the British Woodstock
23 An H II region made mostly of ionized hydrogen the Orion this is an emission type of gaseous cloud
24 Show before this 7-letter word brings about a lot of applause & perhaps a brief pause in musical theater
25 Prime Time prime time--in 1992 this man here hit .304 with 14 triples for the Braves & picked off three passes for the Falcons
26 Karl Marx stated that history appears twice the 1st time as tragedy the 2nd time as this ludicrous form of comedy
27 Off the ____my words
28 The funeral of this charismatic leader in 1970 drew 5 million people to the streets of Cairo
29 There's still time to get ready but in 4 billion years this galaxy is destined for a head-on collision with ours
30 A son of this capital Franz was baptized in what's now known as the Schubert Church & at 17 wrote & conducted a mass there
31 Running from the Valdai Hills to the Caspian Sea this Russian river is popular with boatmen
32 In a supernatural series John Alden returns from war to this title Massachusetts town & finds witchery afoot
33 Milk of Paradise: A History of this drug examines its use & abuse from ancient times up to our own
34 This time-telling contraction lost its F centuries ago
35 A year before his own death in 1827 Schubert was a torchbearer at the funeral of this legendary composer
36 Hornli Ridge is the most common route taken by climbers scaling this iconic peak in the Swiss Alps
37 In Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Jude Law turns up as a younger version of this wizard
38 A selendang is a traditional Indonesian one of these shoulder coverings
39 Annalee Newitz' Four Lost Cities that flourished & then perished include this one around a big wat or temple
40 This informal contraction means something easy like a very short putt
41 This Italian composer also associated with Mozart discovered Schubert when he was 7 & became one of his teachers
42 The Khyber Pass is a strategic geographic link between these two Asian nations
43 In 1992's Aladdin this villain weaves a spell so he can wed Jasmine & seize power
44 Shearling comes from sheep; a faux shearling coat is also called this type after a people of Nepal
45 The Girls of Atomic City highlights the experiences of women during WWII helping build the atomic bomb in this Tennessee city
46 In the 19th century it's gradually replaced this equivalent contraction
47 Schubert wrote several songs about fish as well as a famous piano quintet in a major named for this one
48 Brazil's largest port is this one about 30 miles from Sao Paulo that's also known for its soccer team
49 Seen here this actor plays Geralt the title figure of the show The Witcher
50 Harley of Scotland makes cozy sweaters from this island type of wool
51 An escape from the horrors in this African nation in 1994 is laid out in The Girl Who Smiled Beads
52 It's the 6-letter beginning to the classic bartender's question
53 Schubert's Der Tod und das Mädchen translated as this pair was based on a poem by Matthias Claudius
54 Situated 4200 feet above sea level on a limestone plateau this city is the capital of Zambia
55 On film Keanu Reeves was this arcane artist that Matt Ryan played on DC's Legends of Tomorrow
56 Fine silk fabric named for the Chinese province where it was originally made
57 2021's The Dawn of Everything challenges the accepted picture of these 2-activity foragers of early humanity
58 A word meaning agreement is part of this French contraction meaning okey-dokey

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Turned into a Nazi headquarters in 1933 the nightspot Eldorado is said to have inspired this fictional place
2 Physicist John Wheeler said he coined this term as a faster way to say completely collapsed objects
3 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
4 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
5 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
6 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
7 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
8 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
9 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
10 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc
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