There are 3 U's in this word meaning smug or insincere in an oily way

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There are 3 U's in this word meaning smug or insincere in an oily way Jeopardy

Possible Solution: UNCTUOUS

Since you already solved the question There are 3 U's in this word meaning smug or insincere in an oily way which had the answer UNCTUOUS, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other answers. You can do so by clicking the link here Jeopardy December 02 2021

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# Questions
1 800000 people gathered in a field in Krakow to watch the televised Vatican funeral for this man in 2005
2 A task on a recent one in New York State was to draft a memo regarding sovereign immunity under a tort claims law
3 In A Christmas Carol this man's ghost is the first of 4 to appear to Scrooge
4 The showbiz career of this beloved funny lady has spanned more than 80 years
5 The Levi Coffin House in Indiana was a stop on this system that defied the Fugitive Slave Act
6 This adjective describes 100% agreement like a boxing decision
7 A million fans endured stifling Madrid heat to celebrate Spain's 2010 victory in this international competition
8 In the 1950s half of U.S. hospital deaths were followed by a postmortem exam also called this; now it's under 10%
9 He wrote short stories like Sonny's Blues & novels like Go Tell It on the Mountain
10 Long before Grace and Frankie she starred opposite Jane Fonda & Dolly Parton in the movie 9 to 5
11 By 1962 this doc's injected vaccine helped reduce polio cases in the U.S. from more than 50000 a year to fewer than 1000
12 Trees can live in this highway-dividing strip
13 On New Year's Eve 1994 4.2 million showed up for fireworks & a free Rod Stewart concert on Copacabana Beach in this city
14 These exams are required for many Ph.D. degrees; for a Stanford history doctorate you take them in your third year
15 Emily is imprisoned in a gloomy castle--that tells you The Mysteries of Uoolpho is a classic of this big 1790s genre
16 Order in the court! If she ever tires of being funny she has a law degree from the University of New South Wales to fall back on
17 It was a tempest in this govt. scandal so large that Senate committees & a special commission looked into it from 1922 to 1928
18 To criticize harshly perhaps about interweaving hair a bit higher
19 In 2019 tens of millions gathered to bathe in sacred rivers for Kumbh Mela a festival of this religion
20 To do your taxes look for someone who passed this 3-letter exam first standardized in 1917
21 This novel about a canine says A monster came to the small town of Castle Rock
22 The name of this original SNL cast member lives on in the name of a cancer support organization
23 Katherine Johnson was such a genius she made sure the computer was correct in planning the 1962 flight of Friendship 7 for this astronaut
24 A Quaker place of worship noted for simplicity like Philadelphia's Arch Street one
25 Millions lined the streets of New York for the June 2019 LGBTQ parade that was part of World this
26 Mydriatic eye drops do this to help in an eye exam
27 Jack Schaefer wrote about the cowboy life in this novel with a 1-name title; come back!
28 She's won Emmys for voicing Lois Griffin on Family Guy & for her role as Susie Myerson on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
29 The 1968 Democratic National Convention became a battleground despite this mayor's promise of law & order

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Turned into a Nazi headquarters in 1933 the nightspot Eldorado is said to have inspired this fictional place
2 Physicist John Wheeler said he coined this term as a faster way to say completely collapsed objects
3 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
4 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
5 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
6 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
7 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
8 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
9 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
10 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc
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